STUDY TOUR for BA/MA students of the History Department of the Humanities Faculty of the University of Amsterdam by Stichting Grand Tour (NL). Grand Tour is an engaging study programme that consists of a series of academic lectures and a 2-week field trip to a specific region that includes meetings with cultural and academic institutions, NGO’s, government representatives, communities etc. The programme, annually organized by a Students Board, focuses on exchange, academic writing and discussion.
In 2010 Grand Tour together with Eva Koppen visited Cluj-Napoca, Suceava and Iasi in Rumania, Chisinau and Comrat (Gagauzia) in Moldova, Odessa, Simferopol, Bachtsjisaraj and Sebastopol in Crimea, and Kieve in Ukraine
June 2010
for the Stichting Grand Tour (NL) and the University of Amsterdam
Lecturing, consultancy on programme development, on-site management
STUDY TOUR for BA/MA students of the History Department of the Humanities Faculty of the University of Amsterdam by Stichting Grand Tour (NL). Grand Tour is an engaging study programme that consists of a series of academic lectures and a 2-week field trip to a specific region that includes meetings with cultural and academic institutions, NGO’s, government representatives, communities etc. The programme, annually organized by a Students Board, focuses on exchange, academic writing and discussion.
In 2010 Grand Tour together with Eva Koppen visited Cluj-Napoca, Suceava and Iasi in Rumania, Chisinau and Comrat (Gagauzia) in Moldova, Odessa, Simferopol, Bachtsjisaraj and Sebastopol in Crimea, and Kieve in Ukraine
June 2010
for the Stichting Grand Tour (NL) and the University of Amsterdam
Lecturing, consultancy on programme development, on-site management